Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2021
- Constitutional Law III - The Relationship Between Constitutional Law and International Law and European Law
lecture, thursday, 13-15h c.t., Zoom
[in German] - EU Migration Law
lecture, thursday, 11-13h c.t., zoom
[in German] - Seminary in EU Law
11-12 June 2021, Zoom
[in German] - Public International Law and EU Law Case by Case (with Stephanie Schiedermair)
tuesday, 13-15h c.t., Zoom
[in German] - Simulation of a Case Before the European Court of Justice
colloquium, 9-10 July 2021
[in English]
Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2020/21
- Public Law Case By Case: Advanced Course
Monday 13-15h c.t., HS 7 (starting 26 Oct 2020)
[in German] - EU Law: Basic Course
Wednesday 17-19h c.t., Audimax (starting 28 Oct 2020)
[in German] - EU Law: Advanced Course
Monday, 11-13h c.t., HS 15 (starting 26.10.2020)
[in German] - Seminary in EU Law and EU Migration Law
11 and 12 Dec. 2020
[in German] - EU and Public International Law Case By Case (together with Stephanie Schiedermair)
Tuesday 17-19h c.t., Burgstr. 21, Raum 4.19 (starting 27.10.2020)
[in German]