Professor Wendel's research focuses on the following areas. A list of publications can be found on the chair's website under the heading "Research - Publications". 


European and international law

European Constitutional Law; Basic principles and cooperation in European Union Law; protection of fundamental rights in the EU; European Migration Law; rule of law in Europe; Union citizenship; development and reforms of EU primary law; international human rights.


Comparative Law

French Public Law; Constitutional Law of European member states; Comparative Law as a form of argument; normativity and methodological issues in Comparative Law; ius publicum europaeum.


Constitutional Law

Constitution and constitutionality beyond the state; relations of Constitutional Law of European member states in regard to European and Public International Law; Legal and Constitutional Pluralism.


Administrative law

Decision-making scope of the administration; Residence and Asylum Law; Europeanization and internationalization of Administrative Law; Transnational Administrative Law.