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Frau Prof. Dr. Stephanie Schiedermair lädt Sie herzlich ein zu folgendem Online-Vortrag mit anschließender Diskussion

Law, Rights and Religion: the Role of Religion in a Secular Legal System

Dienstag, 3. November 2020, 19.00 – 20.30 Uhr

Link zum Meeting: (Zugangscode: 945642)

Ein Vortrag von Samantha Knights, Barrister and Queen's Counsel at Matrix Chambers, London. Sie ist als Anwältin in den Bereichen Wirtschaftsrecht / Menschenrechte / Migration / Asyl international tätig. Sie hat Verfahren vor dem EuGH und EGMR geführt und war letztes Jahr Gast auf unserer Leipziger Human Rights Summer School. 

Although the freedom of religion has been included in several international and regional human rights instruments since the Second World War, the international standard for freedom of religion can be elusive. Based on her book, Freedom of Religion, Minorities and the Law (OUP, Winter 2020), Samantha Knights will shine a light on certain aspects of this fundamental human right. In particular: the significance of religion as the backdrop to many areas of our present day (secular) legal system, eg education, family law, and immigration. 

The event will begin with a presentation by Samatha Knights, followed by a Question and Answers period where all participants are encouraged to ask questions. The guest lecture is open to all. 

Samantha Knights is an established barrister with a broad practice but focusing on commercial litigation, immigration and asylum, public law, and international law. Her cases have involved ground breaking developments in law before the UK Supreme Court, European Court of Human Rights and Court of Justice of the European Union.